Whether you've just moved to Lincoln, NE, and are looking for a dentist, or you're a lifelong resident of the area who is dissatisfied with their current dentist, we invite you to visit Gregory E Utecht DDS . Our dentistry practice is accepting new patients, and our entire team is ready and willing to earn your trust. For a lifetime of happy smiles, call us today to set up your next dental appointment.
Regular dental visits play a critical role in maintaining good dental health — not only to find and remedy any problems with teeth or gums, but also to assess the general condition of your oral health, point out potential trouble spots, and offer suggestions for preventive care. In between visits, the best way to keep your teeth clean and free of disease, your gums pink and healthy, and your breath fresh, is a program of daily oral hygiene. Your regular routine should include the following:
Brush and Floss.
You should brush at least twice a day and floss at least once daily. This will help remove plaque, a bacteria-laden biofilm, from the surfaces of your teeth. The bacteria in plaque can turn sugars from food into acids, which attack the tooth's enamel and cause tooth decay. Some bacteria can also cause gingivitis and other gum diseases.
Get enough fluoride.
Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel — it's essential for children's developing teeth, and helps prevent decay in both kids and adults. Even if your municipal water is fluoridated, you should always use fluoride toothpaste. If more fluoride is needed, it can be applied directly to your teeth here at the dental office.
Limit Sugary snacks.
Sugary snacks are the perfect fuel for decay-causing bacteria — and when eaten throughout the day, they keep the acid constantly on the attack. So give your mouth a break, and (if you allow them) limit sugary treats to mealtime.
Mouth rinse.
Therapeutic mouthrinses do more than temporarily mask bad smells or tastes in your mouth — they can improve your overall oral hygiene. While some over-the counter products offer primarily “cosmetic” benefits, therapeutic rinses contain anti-bacterial and anti-cariogenic (cavity-fighting) ingredients. Using a therapeutic mouthrinse has been proven to control plaque bacteria and prevent cavities better than brushing and flossing alone.
No tobacco.
Whether smoked or smokeless, tobacco use greatly increases your risk of oral cancer, gum disease, and tooth decay (not to mention heart disease and lung cancer… but you already knew that). If you use tobacco, ask us how to quit now.
Once you've established a regular routine, you'll quickly recognize any changes in your mouth — like chipped teeth, red or swollen gums, or unusual sores. If you find something of concern, let us know. Early treatment offers the best chance to remedy many problems.A major goal of modern dentistry is to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime. By following a conscientious program of oral hygiene, you have the best chance at making this goal a reality.
Kids Dentistry
Teeth should last a lifetime if you take care of them and the best time to start is as soon as they begin appearing. At Utecht Dental in Lincoln, we believe by establishing good oral hygiene routines for your children right from the start, you'll give them the best chance of keeping their teeth healthy, forever. Dr. Utecht recommends taking specific steps to ensure your children, at all ages, are brushing and flossing properly to avoid tooth decay and cavities. What Is Tooth Decay& how is it caused? Tooth decay is the major cause of dental trouble that can eventually lead to tooth loss and is actually an infectious disease caused by bacteria. If it takes hold, it can form a cavity in the enamel and then progress deeper into the tooth — causing discomfort, difficulty eating and speaking, and a need for fillings or root canal treatment. The good news is that tooth decay is preventable. Good dental health starts with plaque removal to prevent tooth decay. Plaque is the sticky, white film that builds up on teeth in the absence of effective oral hygiene. Decay-causing bacteria thrive in plaque, where they break down any sugar that lingers in the mouth. In the process, they produce acid byproducts that erode teeth. This is how a cavity begins. Parents and children of all ages can take certain steps to prevent plaque build-up and ultimately tooth decay.
Baby Dental Care & development: Babies can develop a form of tooth decay known as early childhood caries. This occurs when they are allowed to go to sleep with a bottle that's filled with anything but water. The sugars in formula, milk (even breast milk) and juice can pool around the teeth and feed decay-causing bacteria. When it comes to bedtime soothing, a pacifier or bottle filled with water is safer for developing teeth — that is, until about age 3. At that point, sucking habits should be gently discouraged to prevent orthodontic problems from developing later on. Brush your baby's first teeth gently with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush, using just a thin smear of fluoride toothpaste, at least once a day at bedtime. Before a tooth fully erupts, you can use a water-soaked gauze pad to clean around the tooth and gums. Please bring your child in to see Dr. Utecht by age 1 for early dental care. We can demonstrate proper hygiene techniques, look for signs of early decay, and recommend fluoride supplementation if needed.
Children (starting at age 3),
you can begin teaching your child to brush with a children's toothbrush and no more than a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Please remember, children will need help with this important task until about age 6 when they have the fine motor skills to do an effective job themselves.
It's also extremely important to start encouraging healthy dietary habits at this time. Your child will have less plaque buildup and decay if you place limits on soda and sugary snack consumption. Any sugary treats that are allowed should come at mealtimes, not in between. This will ensure your child is not creating favorable conditions for oral bacteria to grow around the clock. At your child's regular, twice-yearly dental checkups and cleanings, we can apply topical fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel and make it more resistant to erosion and decay. If necessary, we can also apply dental sealants to the back teeth (molars) to prevent food particles and bacteria from building up in the tiny grooves where a toothbrush can't reach.
Teenage children have the primary responsibility for maintaining their day-to-day dental health, but you can continue to help them make good dietary and behavioral choices. These include drinking plenty of water and avoiding soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks, all of which are highly acidic; avoiding tobacco and alcohol; and continuing to visit our office regularly for cleanings and exams. This is particularly important if your teen wears braces, which can make it more difficult to keep teeth clean.